The State Versus The Parent..

Ireland’s existing Relationship, Sexual Education program is a ‘Comprehensive Sexual Education approach’ and has had various amendments and additions added since its time of implementation in 1995. It is conducted within the SPHE subject and It replaced the previous ‘Abstinence Only Approach’ taught under the Catholic Ethos in Ireland’s schools. The latest major amendment was in 2016 and included diversity of the individual. Since then, the RSE program has continued to be amended to sync in with The EU’s expectations for sexual education for all school children. The newly reformed RSE program is a very liberal and objective sex education called ‘The Holistic Approach’. This is to be delivered into classrooms in all schools around Ireland by September 2023.

 The necessity to reform the pre-existing RSE program has been sold to Irish parents because of the rise of infections such as HIV and pregnancies outside marriage since the 1980’s. It’s interesting to note that the societal changes coincide with the Sexual Revolution in the 1970’s, and the removal of God and his values from the School curriculum, firstly in the USA and following suit around the World.

The State’s aim to highlight diversity of minor individuals and use words of inclusivity claims it will prevent sexual abuse, bigotry and bullying, but they are expecting a lot from Pubescent Minors, as it neglects to factor in  the natural hormonal reactions and embarrassments of diverse minors, who may not be ready to face the spotlight, no matter how encouraging the state’s RSE program is.

It is also totally inappropriate. It will not prevent children from being sexually abused, it will only serve to normalise objective sex and sexual activity. It crosses every boundary on morals, values and ethics of Christianity. It implies that all children are cognitively and physically the same and can be taught the same, which of course is not the case.

The RSE program neglects in its duties to state factually that oestrogen and testosterone are very different hormones in the opposite sex of  girls and boys and have a major effect on hormones, feelings and thoughts of the pubescent child.

The importance of respecting the parent’s authority is worryingly absent from this Impending RSE 2023 program, and it’s diversity and gender ideology will be carried through out the whole educational curriculum in order to reach a wider audience. There is also no instruction to the child to discuss all emotional, physical and social matters with the parent first and foremost. This alone is very dangerous for any child whom can be easily confused and frightened as to whom she/he can confide in, at a time of need.

Parents have probably already noted major attitude changes in their children, teens and young adults, especially during the last six years, as the latest amendment to the RSE program in 2016 had already removed the value of the parent from SPHE/RSE work sheets and classroom discussions. The diversity of individuals was being explored and the nuclear family was being minimised as not the modern norm. This could possibly explain why there are so many young teens claiming various genders or thinking that they are in the wrong body, coupled with the glamorous expose of diversity on all social media platforms. Worryingly, the RSE program and the celebrity status of diversity serious lacks the realism of the mental health problems, the physicality of transgenderism and the meltdowns that are behind every smiling, glamorous and modern diverse face.

This RSE reform program covers every area of facilitating children’s sexual and social education. This totally violates and disregards the authority, rights and ability of the parent to advise their child.

The discussions on sexual body parts, sexual activities and sexual preference crosses every personal and privacy boundary of the child.

This is a total violation of children’s trust. The department of education is taking an unfair advantage of it’s position of power and influence over school children.

Despite this RSE program’s promise that it’s deliverance will provide the children with the ability to say No in order to protect themselves against sexual assaults, lust primarily drives the outcome from the stronger sex drive which is predominantly the male.

This RSE program wants to listen to what our children and teenagers want for their bodily and mental health! It completely takes the value of moral guidance and instruction away from the parent who instinctively knows better in aiding each of their individual children’s  holistic growth.

There is a lot of mention in the new RSE program for the child to consistently think of others feelings, but this is completely unbalanced. It can be very confusing for any child in that they would think that they cannot upset a perpetrator by saying ‘No’ or indeed any person in authority or any type of bully. It is quietly instructing the child to be a follower and definitely Not equipping the child with leadership skills. It is completely lacking in teaching the child to primarily respect oneself first and foremost and one’s values in respecting one’s body and privacy. It is going on the basis that perpetrators on any platform, be it employers, perpetrators or Government, will not take advantage of their ability or power to ‘have their own way’.

The RSE also seems to be discouraging of any old fashioned influence of a teacher or a body that holds morals and values as important points to consider in the classroom and replace them with complete liberalism of sexualisation. To allow children to think that they can be anything they want or that they can do anything that they want is a recipe for disaster for their mental health and their parents.  Discipline and consequence are what raise a mentally well child and also provides for a happy home for the parent. The liberalism of the child’s right to call the shots in the home without rightful authority of the parents will inevitably breakdown and weaken the family unit. If children are educated to accept that casual, objective and liberal sex with anyone is normal and leaves no emotional scars, well this is also so misguided and it will not secure the teen a healthy committed relationship or marriage in their future. This may sound old fashioned, but it’s true, how many young men want to marry the local bike?

The state assures us in theory that this RSE program  will enable our children to deal with any situation and keep them Emotionally, Mentally and Physically safe.

One should ask if we can really trust the Government with the well-being of our children when examples of the State’s affairs are the impending collapse of the HSE and the Economy! Not to mention the chaotic influx of foreign nationals caused by the Government’s Open Border Policy, which in turn has created a massive housing crisis!

Our Children are impressionable and they are vulnerable outside the protection of their parents.

We need to make sure that the Governmental systems that we place our children in are safe havens, that follow our instruction, our morals and our values.

And we need to trust ourselves, our instincts and our parenting, because ultimately,

We come from a place of Love and that’s something the State will Never be able to Replace.



Jean Murray

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing….

Parents beware,
Although the Newly Revised Sexual Education Program in Ireland is Not supposed to begin in schools till September 2023,
The program is currently being taught in secondary schools.
Every emotional, sexual and social elements and wants, desires and personal choices of the pupil is being discussed. Except the social aspect of the child’s Religion, interestingly enough.
And very personal and private physical matters are being led into discussions by influential role models of the child. The teacher crosses All privacy boundaries in this very private area, (the discussion on Masterbation) and how do we know that these teachers are not being aroused by the very nature of the sexual discussion, (mainly in male teachers)
Are we to allow the same mistakes into the classroom that the Catholic Church allowed in just over fifty years ago!
The teacher also completely neglects to reinforce to the child, that the classroom discussion should also be brought to the parent, completely dismissing parental rights and responsibilities. This dismissal of the parent over time will also denounce the importance of the parent in the child’s eyes, leaving the child turning to authority figures only to trust.
Make No Mistake,
This program will dismiss Parental morals and values in the child, as it is primarily lacking in its teaching that the child has a moral duty of respect towards the parent. (And who keeps the child safe? We, the parent, who love them.)
This will be all fine for the parent and the child as long as the parent has the perfect child, in that the child will primarily Not abuse the situation and take advantage of their power in their sense of Entitlement and Not Require parental instruction or guidance and ‘Hopefully’ the kids will ultimately have the power and the confidence to stand up among their peers and Say No to any temptations, and

  1. Not want to drink unlimited amounts of alcohol that can lead to addiction..
  2. Not want to take social drugs such as hash or cocaine that can lead to addiction
  3. Not want to have casual sex with anyone that can lead to the child suffering depression when the outcome is not good, mainly for girls.
  4. Not want to stay out all night and come home when they want.
  5. Not be a mean, spoilt, tantrumous child who terrifies the parent.
  6. Not want to settle down in the old fashioned way of marriage and commitment and may end up living on parents floor for ever while the parent continues to pick up the pieces after adult kids.

Ultimately, the state wants to replace the role of the parent and raise Our children Their way,
But should we really trust these Strangers that are writing up this SPHE and RSE curriculum in a Government building with our children?
You Decide.

Mental Health and the Necessity of a Clear Mind….

Mental illness is an emotional dis-ease of the intangible mind, where the functionality of motivation and drive becomes stuck in a haze of dense fog. Responsibilities become overwhelming and the ability to physically function becomes limited or completely frozen. Individual circumstances, either from past or present are often behind a sufferer’s sudden emotional demise, such as grief from losing a loved one or anxiety over financial worries. Survivors of physical abuse, sexual abuse or trauma are often left with a mind that is so hurt and filled with anger, self hatred and shame that it can trap most victims in a mind set of negativities which seems to be the basic ingredients of all sufferers of depression. And of course there’s Fear, which plays an enormous part in stifling and confusing a human being. Perpetrator’s of abuse, of the some who acknowledge the damage their actions have caused, can also be tortured with self hatred and despair that can drive them into a psychosis state. Each of these character types have a similarity in their vulnerable conscience. Scientists and Psychiatrists have previously worked on the basis that there is a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes depression and mental illness and their only solution was to prescribe highly sedative medications. But there are now new scientific investigations into this theory, purely because it is quite reasonable to expect a person to decline emotionally after a personal trauma or tragedy, in fact it would be unusual to act otherwise. And the realisation that regular Professional Cognitive Psychotherapy is succeeding in bringing a sufferer back to an understanding of self and partaking in normal life activities, is causing some psychiatrists to investigate the powers of positive interventions. (Read, Psychologist Russ Harris’s book ‘ACT’ Acceptance, Commitment Therapy, which helps sufferers overcome trauma ) Unfortunately, there is an overwhelming lack of Psychiatric Therapy available in Ireland today in 2022. Sufferer’s of mental illness have no option but to take medication that will hide and silence the emotions that so need to be addressed.

Or else we could try God’s way. The mind, in its intangible identity holds the secret to our creation. As we grow, we are instinctively guided by truths and righteousness, which is what God’s word also says in the Bible. But God’s Word has been taken out of schools across the USA since the early 1970’s and it is also happening in Schools around Ireland in the last few years. The Irish Government are in the process of separating Church from State and removing God’s teaching from the classroom. God’s words include morals and values and respect and with that lack of clear guidance in a school where our children spend seven hours a day, it is a clear indicator as to why children do not acknowledge God or see him as someone that they can turn to in times of worry. And today’s children are filled with worry and confusion and they are turning to other means of comfort, such as vapes, drugs, alcohol and some turn to porn. But if we had little knowledge of God’s guidance, we do have our God given instinct. We know that if we ‘do no harm to others,’ we have no reason to feel embarrassment or shame, because hurting others actually causes us as much harm, in that we learn not to like ourselves. Self Hatred is the demise of our Souls. It’s not rocket science as we all know that if we say cruel words to a family member or friend, it doesn’t make us feel too good! If we harm others through theft, injury or verbal assault and deny responsibility for these actions, it leads us onto another road, the road of lies, where lying to oneself and taking no responsibility leads to unsuccessful outcomes in one’s personal life path, which leads to the consequential failures in relationships and then resentment or judgement and unexplainable sadness. All of this emotional pain hurts our mental health.

When I was growing up in the 70’s, in Dublin’s North city suburb, our parent’s beginnings were often from the tenement homes in the inner city. With a strong foundation in God, our parents strived to raise their children with enthusiasm and hope that their children would not suffer the same poverty that they had. But in 1977, a major Recession hit Ireland, (amazingly, shortly after Ireland joined the EEC with the promise of industry, but instead the EEC stood back while hundreds of Irish companies were shut down!) one hundred thousand strong Irish men were put out of work and onto the ‘Dole Queue’ and emotionally degraded. Quite a successful tactic to morally destroy a nation…. I remember my own father being totally demoralised by this and the subsequent rude treatment he received from the employees of the Civil Service. This recession sent the majority of the Irish man on to Alcohol dependency which in turned fired their anger that opened the gateway to ‘Demons’. It was common to hear the Irish Grandmother of the day, describing the Demons that were present in their son or husband, when the drink took hold. It was also common knowledge to the Catholic mother that the Devil was as real as God was and that the Devil was behind greed which drove rich and powerful people to their own means with a total disregard for their poorer fellow man. Mortified men after having wrecked their house in drink fuelled anger were often marched to the priest the next morning for confession and pleas for help in fighting their demons. Some men couldn’t cope with the negative thoughts or ‘voices’ that pounded their minds and angered and saddened them and they were placed on high levels of Prozac. There was no psychotherapy in Ireland in 1977. If there was, it wasn’t for the poor man. My Dad was a selfless, kind, loving man until the demons infiltrated his mind through the weakness of alcohol and told him that he was useless and that he was a failure. He believed it and he became what he believed. In the years that followed, the Catholic Church had been instructed Not to talk about the Devil and his entities and led no connection with the Pedophiles that came into the Catholic Church and Satan himself. People blamed God for the sexual and physical abuse that happened to many children, instead of recognising the Devil’s hand. Interestingly enough, The Catholic Church stayed quiet at this accusation. But the Church still acknowledges the existence of the Devil and appoints selected priests in Exorcism. Fr. Vincent Lampert is an American Catholic priest and the designated exorcist of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis. He has had lots of experiences with demons and tells an interesting story in his book called ‘Exorcism, The battle of Satan and his Demons.’

The negative entities or demons that infiltrates a family in the early childhood years causes confusion and fear in children. Children often bury the fear and carry it into their adult life which in turn effects them in their life choices or when life’s stresses or responsibilities hit them at vulnerable times. This is when memories of failure evolve from the consciousness and feelings of self hatred and fear erupts into one’s reasoning mind and spreads negatively. It is not unreasonable to expect to be overwhelmed by the constant challenges that parents face in raising children in today’s society. Especially when Government departments are not working to help its citizens, be it financial, education, Judicial or Health. It is understandable that parents are fearful and untrusting of life when the systems around them that have promised to protect them and their children keep failing. We are raising children in the most dangerous times since even before the days of 1916. Anxiety levels among adults and teens are at the highest ever in Ireland. And sedatives and anti depressives are in high demand from GP surgeries and Hospitals and are regularly prescribed to children and young adults from age nine years of age. Ritalin is a common sedative given to children for ADHD and this drug increases depressive behaviours, eating disorders and suicides! It is very worrying that this young generation’s only mental health solution from The Health Service Executive is medication and Not regular Psychotherapy. For the simple fact is that their young minds can become dependent and despondent on these sedatives and may never be clear or focused again. They will never have to force themselves to dig deep into their conscience to discover who they are and why they are struggling with emotional disorders and they will not be able to enact their God given instinct, as long as they stay on suppressing medication, (one wonders is this the plan?) because it’s easier to have the ‘quick fix’ and blot out the pain. Parents are rightly concerned about the chemicals in these medications and the effects that they have on the young brain and mind. The importance of facing trauma, worries or emotional struggles, should not be underestimated. Standing up to their worries makes kids and adults alike stronger! And the necessity for children to be allowed to throw tantrums when they’re angry is very important. We have all of these emotions for a reason, and sadness, anger and pain should always be expressed with a clear Un-medicated mind. And this in turn will grow strong young adults who are able to stand against the injustices of Evil in their futures.

Jean xxx

The Rise of Autism and Transgenderism…. Coincidence?

It is now Fact.
90% of children under the age of eighteen that are using the HSE’s Transgender Services are on the Autism Spectrum. 2022.

Autism is on the rise in Ireland in the last thirty years.
Autism is not genetic.
There is No Autism gene. There are several conditions associated with Autism that stem from mutations in a single gene, including fragile X and Rett syndromes.
But less than 1% of non syndromes cases of Autism stem from mutations in any single gene.
But yet, Autism is growing alarmingly;

In the USA and in the CDC website in 1970’s , there was one in every 2000 children who was on the Autism Spectrum.
In 2008, there was one in every 150 children on the Autism Spectrum.
Today in 2022, there is one in every 49 children in the USA diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum.

As we are all aware, chemicals have been introduced into our meats and foods in the last thirty five years in order to make them last longer. ( Autism rates rising since 1985) Genetically modified foods are popular because people don’t have to pick seeds from their grapes or throw stale foods out. But really, what are they doing to your reproductive organs?
We must start looking at The toxins in our environment, ( One such is The Lines of chemical sprays from our skies each day, that Government neglects to explain) Weed killers and the Chemicals that we put into our bodies through medications and injections to find the cause of the damage to our kids cognitive functions.
Thirty five years ago, Pharmaceutical Companies began adding chemicals such as mercury and aluminium into vaccines in order to produce 5:1, 6:1 and 7:1 in each jab.
Vaccines can be given in individual doses without any chemicals, but that is not cost productive for vaccine companies.
I would question as to Why should Our children have to be put at risk if they are allergic to a certain chemical in the vaccine that causes them to suffer anaphylactic shock which is a cause of cognitive brain damage in an infant?

Asperger’s Syndrome is on the Autism Spectrum. It’s cutely referred to being ‘socially awkward’.
But there is nothing cute about it for the sufferer.
Kids with Asperger’s suffer from a lack of connection, extreme loneliness and exclusion from the very beginning of school.
Schools are not doing enough to address this issue and only offer quiet spaces for children on the Spectrum which increases social exclusion.
Regular Kids today do not seem to have the confidence or the ability to talk to or include ASD kids into their groups and that of course was Not helped by the Covid Restrictions that came in, in March 2020, which destroyed the social skills of many.
But with all this talk from Government of the LGBTQ inclusivity in schools, I have no idea how this will be socially orchestrated because the Social Inclusion needs of the ASD kids are being completely ignored by the Schools themselves.
Their answer is, ‘Well, How can we Make another student play or hang around with an ASD kid, because to play with these kids can be exhausting and too much effort. It’s their silliness, that embarrasses regular kids.”
This is backed up by the regular kids parents, “What can we do? We can’t Make them include ASD kids!”
There is a very obvious lack of moral responsibility among our society and this will disable any social responsibility of our fellow man in coming to any One’s aid.

It’s no surprise to me that ASD kids are really unhappy and are thinking that being in the wrong body is the reason. Coupled with the constant bombardment and normalising of Transgenderism on every Social Media platform and in every School environment. And Parents who end up taking their ASD kids to Gender reassignment clinics are genuinely confused and would do anything to see their children happy. They have no doubt suffered many confusing meltdowns from their kids and the parents themselves are struggling to cope.
But sadly, these life changing puberty blockers and surgeries cause more sadness and anxiety and suicide is prevalent in this category. Permanent psychosis medications are often the only solution then for these kids who survive.

Teachers in junior infant classes knows the socially awkward child from very early on and this needs to be alerted firmly to the parent as early as possible, for two reasons ;
Firstly, so that parents understand their child’s differences and learn to accept them as their child is Not broken!
And secondly, so that the child gets the proper support in being able to identify the lonely and sad and angry emotions that they feel and learning tools way early on to help them socially as they grow!

We as a Nation are failing this generation of Children.

We have moral responsibilities for our Fellow Man.
Jean xx