We Need to Save the Children…

There is little doubt among the populace that something very strange is happening to our way of life. Trusted principles and values we respected and thrived on are abolished as being unnecessary. World Governments are advocating that Wars are a way to gain Peace, while expecting us to believe that They can’t prevent the innocent casualties slaughtered by their lethal weapons. Governments have denounced the heritage and culture of each country, particularly Ireland, by mixing masses of immigrants of extreme Religious backgrounds contrary to the Christian population of their abducted land. Quite worryingly, each country’s leaders are working in lockstep to remove people’s inalienable Rights and Freedoms at super speed, such as, The Irish Government’s process of completely reversing what was once considered the Righteous Rules of Law based on God’s Word of what Truth actually means. They are making Criminal Acts legal in their newly defined policies such as, the Hate Speech Act which completely reverses the Justice System’s stance on what was once considered Right and Wrong, ‘Their’ commitment to support the European Union in all its financial demands with Our money, They are penalising people who use Gas, oil and car fuel in their push for everyone to use green electricity, (that can be controlled) They are fast tracking the populace into digital currency that can be taxed on every penny, They are indoctrinating children in schools with Transgender Ideology and Objective Sex Education while removing Catholicism teaching along with Parental authority in schools, They are destroying Farmers ability to produce meat, dairy and vegetables with the absolute Lie that farm practice is contrary to a healthy environment! They have the audacity to replace thousands of acres of prime agricultural land with carcinogenic Solar Panel ‘Farms’, which will also leave us massively short of proper nutrition!

It is quite overwhelming for sure, but these changes on the ground and in real-time will be Absolute Mayhem and is in the process of destroying Ireland, her farms, resources, Christianity, Heritage and her Culture, but above all, it is already on track to destroy our children and our grandchildren. The physical and mental health of Irish Children and young adults is in massive decline due to poor nutrition, childhood vaccines, toxins in our environment and the lack of parental control. Children are making their own decisions in how often they use their phone what foods they eat, when they go to bed, drinking alcohol too early, choosing soft drugs or vapes, beginning intimate relationships and deciding that they are same sex attracted, or transgender. The immature and underdeveloped mind of the child is not able to instigate self discipline or discern the consequences of casual intimacy. In talking about this matter to many parents, there is an obvious lack of confidence in their own ability to give instruction, guidance, boundaries and limits to their child. This is partly because children have been given so many rights under the amended children’s act in 2012. (One wonders if the Government foresaw the chaos this would ensue. Of course they did, and their controllers. Dysfunctional society is no threat to tyrannical Governments.) We Parents are afraid to say ‘No’ to our children for fear of meltdowns and are opting for the ‘five minute peace’ solution, by giving in to the child’s demands. Also, We have bought into the liberal ideology that to be prudent is to be old fashioned. We were wrong but We can turn this around! Children need boundaries because this is what makes them feel secure and protected. And we know only too well, this new liberalism is not serving children, because parents across the country are witnessing emotional tantrums and self harming in children and young adults and they are the ones left to pickup the pieces. When I was a child, it was common practice to ask God for help in times of trouble, but today God’s Word has been discarded as being old fashioned and we are a lost nation because of our lack of Faith. If one looks at God’s Ten Commandments and follows them as best as one can, those set of instructions such as ‘Honour thy Father and Mother’, ‘Love they Neighbour’, is God’s Will. He makes it clear that Greed and self Idolisation are deadly sins and will not lead one down the road of Righteousness. Following God’s instructions can give the confidence back to parents in knowing what is true and righteous for their children. Fearing the Parent is all about Respecting the parent, because kids need strong parental guidance to grow them into strong adults themselves. How do we know the Government is not on God’s side? Because they are advocating for instant Gratification and to disregard Respect for oneself, for the Parent and for God.

In Ireland, we currently have an epidemic of children on the Autism Spectrum with various levels of disorders and this is the saddest thing that can happen to children and parents alike. It is my opinion from my own research and understanding of the specific cognitive damage of children’s brain that this is not an accidental side effect from the adjuvants in children’s vaccines, particularly, the MMR. I believe that Big Pharma, who make up the ingredients in this vaccine know exactly the type of cognitive damage it will cause. Given that it’s specifically damages more boys than girls, I believe that it was designed to do such damage. The first sign of ASD in young children is sensory difficulties in taste, sounds, touch and smell, and these children are often very anxious and I also believe that the hundreds of thousands of children and young adults with mental health disorders today have ASD that was never diagnosed, because ‘they were too bright to have Autism.’

There was zero autism in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s in Ireland and this is not because there were no assessments, we just didn’t have any toxic chemicals such as aluminium or mercury, added to childhood vaccines prior to 1985. We did have some children born as cretins, ( levels of idiocy) and this was a condition in newborns whose mother was lacking in good nutrition and iodine, which makes sense, given the amount of people living in poverty in tenement houses in Dublin, post war and in the 1950’s.

Children with cognitive disorders have struggled all their lives with uncertainty and with the current changes in schools of truth being removed and instant gratification being taught with no instruction on Self discipline, this causes further confusion for ASD kids. Couple that with Social Media’s influencers telling kids that they can be anything they want to be, it is no wonder that kids are in crisis and suicide is terrifyingly high among our young.
It is no secret that the public waiting list for mental health services for youths is unattainable. And private psychologists are at least eight months of a wait and expensive. This leaves the necessity of the Mother to trust that she or the Father, or both, can be the best help the child can receive, with structure, guidance, discipline, consequence, nutrition and prayer.

There is no one who knows and loves the child more than the parent, and the child needs to see the confidence of the parent in helping the child through their worries and fears. There are many Natural practitioners that can help detoxify the heavy metals in children from toxic vaccines that really works, and proper nutrition helps the brain and stomach heal in order to think clearly and function properly. Outdoor activities in all weathers is essential for quieting an active mind. Sea Water is great for absorbing anxiety and low moods, while bringing laughter back in to one’s soul. Kids may resist the hard work it will take to recover from their mental health disorder, they will say No to the good nutrition that will heal their body and mind, they will say ‘No’ to outdoor cold activities, they may say No to God, but be firm and kind and persistent. Hold their hand and show them the way. Get in the sea water with them. Go on long walks with them. They will soon feel the results and know that it is working and that they will trust you, the parent.

And ask God for help and you will receive it.

Tried, Tested and Succeeding.

Jean xx

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