End of an Era…

I dropped my last child off to school in fancy dress this morning for her final day in 6th year. The school has organised a fun day to allow the kids to let down their protective barriers and share memories and giggles of their times in secondary school.

The class of 2024 will probably not realise the historical value of their school years since March 2020 when COVID was the guise used to manifest huge social changes that would completely inhibit these children’s confidence and lives. But it will absolutely be noted in the future of the time when freedom was taken. The masks, the social distancing, the plastic screens, the hand sanitation, the strict obedience protocol and above all, the locking out of parents, was the initiation of The New World Order. A conjoined group of globalists from the UN, The EU, The WHO and The WEF worked in unity to seize control of our lives, deciding how we live, where we can travel and what medical decisions we can make for ourselves and our children.
The Globalists plans are radical, totalitarian and wrong on every level. In March 2020, I realised that we were in very similar times to East Germany in 1932 and I was shocked and terrified at the same time.
The present Irish Government have followed so many of the Globalists orders with the COVID regime and the open borders, endorsed by the Irish UN ambassador Noel White and President Michael D Higgans.

The school changes were very tough on the class of 2024 and their social skills were badly affected. Their ease of interacting with their peers would never be recovered. Under the instruction of Minister Norma Foley, head of the department of education and the teacher’s union, the spirit began to be dampened in these kids and to be fair to the teachers, they are since trying to correct it.

My daughter’s graduation ceremony is tomorrow and I’m thinking to myself ‘how on earth am I going to get through it without sobbing like a baby.’ These past few years have been such a journey. There were so many personal challenges. The navigation of the special gift of Motherhood is absolutely the gift of the education of Life. The lessons are patience, perseverance and discipline.

Watching my daughter blossom into a swan and finishing her school days fills me with so much gratitude but also a sadness. The system of education that I once thought credible is not what it is deemed to be. Real education is being annihilated and it is a huge loss to this generation.

When I was growing up, my dad told us of the tales of growing up in tenement houses in Summer hill, Dublin. His mam and dad and nine brothers lived in one room. Four of the babies died within their first year. My dad was the youngest and he was fourteen years of age when his mother finally received a house in Cabra from the Dublin Corporation. He knew what poverty and hard work was. My dad really wanted us to have an education in order to try get up on the ladder rung of prosperity and escape poverty and hardship. My generation (aged fifty seven) strived hard for our kids to be educated and in turn have it easier than we did. But things began to change in education during the last thirty years. The subtle removal of God from schools and the introduction of social (SPHE) classes in the last thirty years was intended to influence our kids into the way the Government wanted them to group think and remove discipline and respect. Maths was changed to ‘project maths’ which would slow the brain’s critical response and proper English grammar was annihilated.

The worrying part for parents today as they help their children decide which college course to choose from is that liberalism and the social correctness of critical race theory and Wokism are the influencing directives of most colleges. This is leading young adults to fear speaking out against any objective narrative. Also, the gender ideology is being pushed onto college kids and many of them struggle to secure a boy/girl relationship which is leading them to choose a life of singledom with no children. This social direction is evidently not working in recent years because we have the highest case of young adults on the mental health waiting list and suicide in this age bracket is extremely high.

As a mother of three kids, aged thirty four, twenty eight and nineteen, I have been doing continuous school runs for thirty years. I loved the gaps because it meant I got to enjoy having a toddler every few years. I came to realise that although babies are hard work, they are indeed the easiest days of parenting. Nourishing one’s child spiritually, morally, emotionally, and physically takes patience, perseverance and discipline.

If I were to do it all again, I would definitely homeschool. This is not negating the many good and compassionate teachers that took care of my children in the school system. The last four years was tough on the teachers as they found themselves controlled by the Department of Education and the teacher’s union instructing them to be the enforcer’s of the WHO, the EU and the UN’s authoritarian orders. But so much damage was done.

And we mother’s have so much ability to teach and nurse our children. If you watch a horse give birth to her first foal, the natural instinct of nurture, love and protection is immediate. And we Mother’s have that same innate instinct. Nothing can replace that instinct.

Jean xx