The Government has gone Rogue

My name is Jean Murray, and I am fifty-seven years of age. I have devout Christian values and I am married to Anthony for thirty years. We have three children, one of which is married with four children. We moved to Ratoath from Cabra, almost twenty-two years ago. I was attracted by the friendly country village and an avid sporting community.

My children went to the local schools and secondary schools where my last one is about to begin her leaving certificate. I have been doing school runs for thirty years and it is certainly an emotional end of an era for me as a mother.

My work background is hairdressing and business, but I feel I’ve learned more about life by delving into my favorite pastime of reading. This in turn has educated me about the World we live in today.

I was first alerted to a major mistake that the Irish Government made when Taoiseach Jack Lynch signed Ireland into the European Economic Community in 1972. I was five years of age, but they were the days when, if a family was lucky enough to own a black and white TV, everyone had to watch it with the mam and dad. My Dad was livid. He roared at the TV, ‘It’ll be the ruination of Ireland’. That was just fifty-two short years ago and we were a poor family, the same as everyone in our area. The dad brought the wages in each week, and it paid our bills and fed the family. There was nothing left for luxuries, but we were not hungry, and my parents did not live on credit. Within a couple of years of Ireland joining the EEC, the country went into a major ‘recession.’ Meat packing factories, where my dad worked,were shut down and a hundred thousand healthy, viral men were placed on the dole. This lasted for ten years and most of these men were placed on Prozac medication or tuned alcoholics. 

Recessions happen with the movement of investment funds and the fluctuation of interest rates. They are controlled and they can be stopped. Governments (or the people who run the Governments) allow recessions to happen to control their nations through poverty. This recession was also planned to destabilize the Irish Christianity, bringing alcoholism and abuse into the home, on top of large families already struggling with poverty. There was no justice for the poor man, and I watched my father and many like him lose their pride and their dignity. 1972 was the beginning of the breakdown of the Irish family and Ireland itself.

In the crash of 2008, I became aware of Departmental Policies and how they didn’t protect its nation when the Government bailed out the banks and left the mortgage holder hanging dry, without job security or ability to pay debts. I began to see the pattern. Many businesses were forced to go bankrupt, with the self-employed finding themselves without entitlement for financial support. Many families lost their homes and many people committed suicide under extreme duress. The sad part was that it was completely avoidable. Many of our youth began to emigrate to faraway lands and never to return.

The following years were tough for everyone, but typical of the hardworking Irish, we kept our heads hard to the grindstone and in 2019, there was beginning to be a recovery, (although preparation was in place for another recession when on September 16th, the Repurchase market (Repo) rates in the USA spiked to a dramatic high of 10%, coinciding with corporate tax deadlines and treasury settlement. This would bankrupt many businesses in the USA and have the usual ripple effect on Ireland) Irish Pubs and shops began to fill up with customers again. It was wonderful to see. But then, in March 2020, we were struck by the COVID and the Irish Government without Any factual evidence were locking down businesses, unnecessarily, that needed so desperately to stay open.

Thousands of businesses around Ireland did not survive.

It was a tsunami of chaos. New rules emerged in schools that had an absolute detrimental effect on children’s social and cognitive development and mental health.

Gender ideology has been introduced to the education curriculum and the Green Giant of terror that is teaching children that the primary source of nutrition, cows, is harmful to our bodies and the planet. This is completely dumbing down children to believe in a lie and it is also detrimental to both their physical and mental health. 

The under twenty-one generation’s social skills have been completely disabled. They rely totally on their phones and are extremely anxious.

The HSE’s mental health department is totally inadequate to deal with the thousands of children and young adults on their waiting lists. 

Churches were closed and essential Catholic services cancelled. Christian Ireland is losing its place and is fast been replaced by the Muslim Religion and Irish women are in serious danger of becoming once again controlled under this extremist regime.

Doctor’s surgeries were shut down, Patients were locked in hospitals with no outside access and people died of medical neglect. 

The Justice system became totally inverted as immigrants began flooding on to our shores uncontrolled and without documentation, with no worries of viruses or PCR tests for them.

There are fourteen thousand Irish families without the security of a home, while immigrants are being prioritized. 

The green Party is annihilating Agricultural and Cattle farming for a lie and the truth needs to be exposed. 

I decided to run for local elections because it is now evidential that the Government has used their position of authority to benefit themselves and to destroy Ireland.

My points are,

All Politicians salaries, allowances and pensions brought in line with the common man.

Ban all NGO’s, (Non-Government Organizations, which are of course Government funded)

Investigate the rise in Autism and Cancer.

Change the education curriculum completely, focus on Math’s, English and Nutrition.

Ban phones from all schools.

Remove Big Pharma funding from medical colleges.

The Green Party must be disbanded and replaced by environmentalists that will stop large corporations from dumping toxic waste going into land, rivers, and oceans.

All unnecessary road infrastructure and bike lanes stopped.

The costs of building materials must be brought down and the price of new houses must be capped.

The income threshold must be risen for couples to be eligible for social housing.

Part time and low paid jobs must be protected by proper contracts.

The Irish must be housed and prioritized first before any foreign immigrant.

Remove all benefits for immigrants. And immigrants must not be given the right to vote unless they follow the proper route of citizenship.

The Borders must be controlled. We cannot let the Irish be the minority in our own country and we cannot allow extremist religions into Ireland.

I’d like to raise the age of consent in Ireland to twenty-one years of age. Given the lack of justice for ‘adults’ of seventeen years and above, they have zero protection from the state. In turn, parents will receive children’s allowance till age twenty-one, while they fund their kids through college.

Income Tax must be reduced, including universal social charges.

Tax the wealthy.

Petrol and diesel costs must be brought down.

I’m proud to run under the National Party because they want to protect Ireland’s Heritage, Culture, and Christian ethos. 

A government who rules must rule with Truth. Or else step down.

Jean Murray

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